Dr Rosemary Canavan is a Senior Lecturer in Biblical Studies at Catholic Theological College. As a biblical scholar she champions visual exegesis and the use of sociorhetorical interpretation to elucidate New Testament texts in their ancient contexts and engage interdisciplinary methods such as art history, archaeology and numismatics. She is currently Principal Supervior for a doctoral candidate using this methodology.
Currently Dr Canavan is actively engaged in SBL (Society of Biblical Literature) as member of the Steering Committee for Numismatic Evidence and Biblical Interpretation as well as Co-Chair of the Rhetoric in Religious Antiquity Group. In addition she is Vice President of ACBA (Australian Catholic Biblical Association). In 2023 she was appointed Delegate for CBF (Catholic Biblical Federation) by the ACBC (Australian Catholic Bishops Commission): BCELM (Bishops Committee for Evangelisation, Laity and Ministry) and attended the 10th Plenary Assembly of the CBF in Mar Del Plata, Argentina. Previously she held appointments for one term as Associate Dean: Postgraduate and Research and two terms as Academic Dean at Catholic Theological College. In conjunction with these, she also served as Chair of the Research Grants Committee for the University of Divinity and as Deputy Chair of the University Academic Board.
Dr Canavan first graduated with a Bachelor of Arts, majoring in Psychology and Anthropology at University of Adelaide, then, later returned to complete Bachelor of Theology with Honours and a PhD at Flinders University. Most recently, she graduated with a Graduate Certificate in Higher Education from ACU. Her doctoral thesis is entitled “Clothing the Body of Christ at Colossae: a Visual Construction of Identity”.
Dr Canavan is recently confirmed as co-editor with Professor Michael Theophilos of an ongoing series with Brill entitled Coins and the New Testament (CNT). This continues her research interests, which are focussed broadly in Asia Minor and increasing the visibility of women enggement and leadership. More closely her focus is on interpreting the biblical text using visual exegesis to engage the material culture, numismatitics, epigraphy, statuary and all available data. Currently her major projects are: (1) the writing of 1−2 Thessalonians Socio-rhetorical Exploration Commentary, (2) Collaborating with Prof. Theophilos and Dr David May on the first volume of CNT series; and, (3) Writing a monograph for CNT series Inter-relationship of the Visibility of Women on Coins and in NT Ekklesiae of Asia Minor. Inscriptions, Papyri, and other Artifacts edited by James R. Harrison and E. Randolph Richards will be launched at SBL Annual Meeting 2024 and it includes a chapter by Dr Canavan: “The Public Inscriptions and Their Iconography: The Potential of Visual Exegesis.”
She currently teaches Letters of Paul, the Lukan Narrative and the Gospel of Matthew at Catholic Theological College and offers sessions in their “Engaging Your Faith” series and the Learning and Religious Education Pathway program for teachers in catholic Schools.
Dr Canavan is often invited to speak in parish and education contexts to elucidate the biblical texts and their relevance for today. Recent engagements include an invitation to be guest speaker at the Catholic Education Sandhurst Staff Day on the theme “”Behold I Make All Things New” Rev 21:5″
University Appointments
- Senior Lecturer in Biblical Studies (Catholic Theological College)
Teaching disciplines
Biblical Languages; New Testament; Biblical StudiesResearch areas
Recent Publications
All publicationsExternal Affiliations
- Australian Catholic Biblical Association (President)
- Society of Biblical Literature (Member of Steering Committee for Numismatics and Biblical Interpretation program unit)
- Fellowship of Biblical Studies (Member)
- Society for the Study of Early Christianity (Member)
- American Numismatics Society (Member)
- Australian Catholic Bishops’ Conference: Bishops Commission for Evangelisation Laity and Ministry (Delegate to the Catholic Biblical Federation)
- American Numismatic Society (Associate Member)
- Australian Catholic Bishops Commission: Bishops Committee for Evangelisation, Laity and Ministry (Delegate for Catholic Biblical Federation (CBF) 2022-2024 and Oceania Region representative on the Executive Committee of CBF)